Day 11, The Irish Writer's Centre, Dublin

While in Dublin, I also visited the Irish Writer's Centre. It was next door to the Writer's Museum, conveniently enough. While the Writer's Museum is dedicated to the Irish writers in history, the Writer's Centre exists to promote contemporary Irish writers and literature. The center offers various events that support and promote modern Irish writers, not only in Ireland, but to the rest of the world. Given Dublin's relatively newfound status as multicultural city, the Centre has the opportunity to present its authors and their literature to people from all over the planet.
Even though the Irish Writer's Centre is not technically an archive, library, or museum, it occupies a unique role in the literary culture of Dublin and Ireland as a centralized source of information and organization for modern Irish writers, and the public who read them. As such, it is worthy of note in the context of our course.
More information is available at their website:

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